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Gender Equality in Cannabis Only Makes the Industry Better

Creating and maintaining workplace equality isn't just the right thing to do, it…

Can Cannabis Help Solve Canada’s Opioid Epidemic?

Canada and the United States are very different places, but one unfortunate…

Is Marijuana Legalization A Landlord’s Worst Nightmare?

Recreational marijuana’s legalization means different things to different people…

Tips on Growing Marijuana at Home From an LP Expert

Growing marijuana is equal parts science and art. The botany of marijuana is one…

How Can I Use Cannabis to Ease My Insomnia?

Insomnia is a debilitating disorder that hampers everything from job performance…

DIY Recipe: Bacon-Avocado Salad With Cannabis-Infused Blackberry Lime Vinaigrette

Looking for a healthy recipe that includes cannabis? With all of the cookies…

5 Terpenes That Augment the Healing Power of Cannabis

The two most well-known components of cannabis are the cannabinoids…

Studies Show Marijuana May Ease Symptoms of Tourette Syndrome

Involuntary vocal or motor tics sometimes accompanied by obsessive-compulsive…

How Marijuana Can Help Stimulate Appetite in Cancer Patients

While some folks might consider increased appetite from cannabis a negative side…

DIY Recipe: Marijuana Chocolate Chip Cookies

There's perhaps nothing better than biting into a gooey, warm and delicious…