
Learn About Cannabis 101

    Cannabis Terpenes 101: Delta 3 Carene

    When it comes to cannabis, most people know the plant’s two main active compounds:...

      Cannabis Terpenes 101: Beta-Caryophyllene

      Many marijuana consumers may not know that the distinctive flavours and aromas of...

        Cannabis Terpenes 101: Pinene

        While alcohol may be the ingredient that gives wine its mellowing, sedative effect,...

          Cannabis Terpenes 101: Linalool

          Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two active ingredients in...

            8 Tips on How to Smoke Cannabis Without Coughing

            Sometimes, cannabis and coughing seem to go hand in hand. Research shows that these...

              5 Ways to Introduce Your Parents to Cannabis

              With adult-use cannabis now legal, many parents are figuring out ways to talk about...

                Why Your Cannabis Edibles Should Never Be Fat-Free

                If you’ve ever cooked with cannabis, you’ve probably noticed that fats like butter...

                  Cannabis 101: Indica, Sativa & Hybrid Explained

                  If you’ve ever browsed through online content about marijuana, chances are you’ve...

                    A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis Flower Vaporizers

                    Curious about using a flower vaporizer for your cannabis needs? Vaping is becoming...

                      Does Cannabis Affect You Differently When You Eat It?

                      You can enjoy cannabis in so many ways, from smoking and vaping to eating or drinking...

                        Everything You Need to Know About Microdosing Marijuana

                        What’s microdosing? It sounds like a scientific method for some fancy way to take...

                          What Are Cannabis Sublinguals & How Do They Work?

                          When it comes to cannabis, there are a lot of options for how to take your medicine—from...