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A Brief History of Marijuana Prohibition & Legalization in Canada

The history of cannabis in Canada dates back to 1801 when the Lieutenant…

How Cannabis Can Help You Get Over a Creative Block

Are you experiencing a creative block? Do you feel uninspired? Without creative…

Can Marijuana Help Alleviate PMS Pain?

Headaches, migraines, bloating, cramps, back pain, insomnia, fatigue, mood…

How Cannabis Can Help Relieve Women's Health Problems

The pace of progress in medicine is dizzying. This has been true even while game…

How Canada Wants You to Talk to Your Kids About Cannabis

In a 1996 episode of “The Simpsons,” character Helen Lovejoy pleads, "Won't…

Ontario Cannabis Store Branding Takes the Minimalist Approach

The Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS), a division of the Liquor Control Board of…

Is Cannabis Good or Bad for Men’s Sexual Health?

Cannabis: for or against men? There’s a lot of controversy and confusion…

5 Marijuana Cannabinoids You Should Know

In the past few years, our collective knowledge of cannabis has skyrocketed…