

Mr. Nice


Mr. Nice is very nice indeed, with a nice easy-going high and nice benefits for medical cannabis users who want relief for pain, stress, and insomnia.

Cultivated by Sensi Seeds, in Amsterdam, Mr. Nice (or Mr. Nice Guy) is a combination of G13 and Hash Plant. It gets its name from drug smuggler and marijuana activist Dennis Howard Marks, who allegedly bought a passport from a convicted murderer called Donald Nice.

Mr. Nice details include dense buds, a fruity aroma, a strong, earthy taste, and moderate THC levels, usually ranging from 13 to 20%. It offers nice, soothing physical and cerebral effects, including a pleasant high and easy body relaxation.

Mr. Nice is also good for medical marijuana patients who want help with pain, nausea, and arthritis, as well as stress and insomnia.


Linalool Bisabolol Camphene Terpineol

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