
The convenience of a house call, without coming to your house.


From the privacy of your own home, ask your questions about medical cannabis and get the sound medical advices you need. If its right for you, then shop from a trusted source - MyMedi.

  • Welcome Call

    Our friendly staff will call you to gather personal information, some medical history and schedule your consult.

  • Practitioner Call

    Our licensed practitioner will call you at home to learn more about you and discuss medical cannabis.

  • Shoppers Call

    If authorized, we’ll connect you with a specialist at MyMedi to help you select products and arrange delivery.

Our knowledgeable health practitioners can advise you on how cannabis may help alleviate symptoms related to a number of health conditions, including:

  • Condition IconCHRONIC PAIN
  • Condition IconPTSD
  • Condition IconDEPRESSION
  • Condition IconARTHRITIS
  • Condition IconINSOMNIA