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    Top 8 Cannabis Strains to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

    St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. This means it’s time to celebrate…

    Regulations on Cannabis Edibles Causing Controversy

    Last October was a big month for cannabis with Canada becoming the largest…

    Big Pharma Sets Its Sights on Legal Cannabis

    With marijuana becoming legal in more and more places, and the medicinal value…

    4 Ways to Reduce Stress Including Taking Cannabis

    Stress is a natural biological response. When we face stressful situations, our…

    8 Tips on How to Smoke Cannabis Without Coughing

    Sometimes, cannabis and coughing seem to go hand in hand. Research shows that…

    DIY Recipe: Light & Fluffy Cannabis-Infused Pancakes

    Pancake Day is almost here. Sometimes called Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras…

    Uncertainty Lingers After Ontario’s Cannabis Store Lottery

    Canada’s largest province—and still the only one to lack a single brick-and…

    Will 2020 Usher in a Cannabis Shortage or Surplus?

    When cannabis legalization happened last October, some health industry watchers…

    Food Manufacturers Ready to Supply Cannabis Edibles

    Both the potential for and risks around cannabis edibles came to light in a…

    Patenting Cannabis Molecules Stirs Up Heated Debate

    Genetically modified organisms—especially when it comes to food—have long been a…

    Strict Rules Passed for Ontario’s Cannabis Stores

    Ontario has proven that size doesn’t always matter. While boasting the country’s…