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Top 5 Cannabis Strains that May Cause Laughter

The giggles can be one of the most fun and desirable side effects of ingesting…

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells?

We've all heard the refrain "marijuana makes you stupid" or "cannabis kills…

Top 10 Health Benefits of Laughter

One of the most well-known side effects of using cannabis is experiencing bouts…

DIY Recipe: Consuming THCA Naturally

THCA: The Powerhouse Cannabinoid I've been talking about tetrahydrocannabinolic…

Clinical Trials Support the Use of Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain occurs in over 20% of the population. It differs from what medical…

The Cannabis and Pregnancy Debate

When it comes to having a baby, moms want to do everything right. Pregnancy…

Medical Marijuana Could Help Insomniacs Sleep Better

It's estimated that 50–55% of adults suffer from insomnia. For many, insomnia…

When Marijuana Makes You Feel Anxious

The main reason many people use marijuana is to experience that relaxing…

Cannabinoids & the Immune System

For those familiar with cannabinoids, their fascinating interactions with the…