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Marijuana & Asthma: Can it Help?

For most people, the idea of inhaling marijuana to treat the symptoms of asthma…

DIY: How to Make a High-CBD Cannabis Tincture

Throughout the history of medical cannabis, tinctures have been the most…

Care By Design Study Reveals CBD Provides Superior Relief for Migraines

Care by Design, a premier manufacturer of high cannabidiol (CBD) products, is a…

Marijuana Increases Your Sexual Experience

Winter in my mind is synonymous with cuddle weather. Nothing is more romantic…

10 Fun Activities to Try When Smoking Marijuana

Higher amounts of THC put the modern cannabist at greater risk of falling into a…

Marijuana Reduces Addiction to Crack Cocaine

Cannabis has been shown as a promising alternative to opioids and possibly even…

Research Shows Cannabis Inhibits Growth of Cancerous Tumours

A new study from St. George’s University of London, published in the…

Alcohol, Not Cannabis, Causes Brain Damage

Moderate Drinking Damages Your Brain A 2017 study published in the British…

How Cannabis Helps Reduce Chronic Pain

The results of a study conducted by the University of New Mexico reports that…

CBD & THC: A Perfect Balance for Healing

Herbalists say that for every poisonous plant, there’s another with an antidote…